Author – Linda Stewart
(Mom, educator, and Propel Swim Academy’s passionate owner)
As parents, we know that providing our children with the skills and experiences necessary to lead a happy, successful life is expensive. So, we want to give you some tips to get the most bang for your buck in your swim lessons.
So, how can you make sure you are getting the MOST value out of your swim lessons?
1. Consistent Preparation = Consistent Performance
Children thrive in structured, consistent environments. Create a routine around swim lessons. If your child is at all tentative about their lesson, pack their swim bag the night before with them. Talk to your child about their swim lessons in the days leading up to each lesson. Get them excited for who they will see and what swimming skills they will learn. Bring your child early to class so that they do not feel rushed. It doesn’t matter what YOUR routine is, what matters is that you are consistent. We all know kids are easily “thrown off” by random events. This affects how they feel and behave during activities. Creating structure and security for your child will ensure that they are always consistent in their performance. Preparation will reduce the amount of “off days” that your child has.
2. Do Not Overuse Make Up Lessons
In order to get the most value from your weekly swim lessons consistency again plays an important role. When your child has a makeup lesson, they need to adjust to a new teacher, a new time, and new classmates. This is addition to the normal challenges of learning in swim class. If your child is comfortable with their surroundings, then they become comfortable in the water. It is with this understanding that we ask that you use the make-up privilege with caution. It should ONLY be used when your child is sick or another situation when it is absolutely necessary to miss their regular lesson. Here at Propel we handle makeups differently than anyone we know (You can read more about the benefits of our Makeup policies in our section about frequently asked questions). Even though the curriculum is the same, makeup lessons are just not as productive for your child as their regular lessons. The teacher, time, and social group your child is comfortable with changes. These changes can also cause a distraction to the existing class. Please keep this in mind before scheduling.
3. Make Sure You Have All Your Equipment
In the sport of swimming, we are blessed to have such a minimal amount of required equipment. A bathing suit, goggles, and a towel is all you need! Go through the checklist of what your child needs when you pack their bag and make sure you have everything.
We are swim instructors, but education is at the root of everything we do. We know that children learn to swim best when placed in a structured, consistent environment. We work hard to hold up our end of the bargain in providing your children with as much consistent structure as possible, but, as they say, it takes a village!
If you’d like to get the most value out of swimming lessons for your child schedule a visit with us at Propel Swim Academy. You can go online and register your child in our beginner level, but in order to help your child succeed and for you to get the best value we require that you come in for a FREE evaluation before enrolling in all other levels. At Propel Swim Academy we believe the start is as important as the finish. Learn more about Propel Swim Academy’s curriculum here.
Any further questions? Please contact us.